viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

begin with a little remembering

     Jack Gantos lived in the USA when he was at school but he had to leave at his senior year with his family to live in Costa Rica. When they moved to Puerto Rico Jack couldn't go to school because he didn't knew spanish and they couldn't afford a private school so his parents decided to just make him work. He got a job n a hotel where they payed him well gave him a room to live and he was close to his parent's house, getting this job gave him the opportunity to save enough money to go back to school. Since the schools in Puerto Rico wouldn't accept him he had to move again to the US but this time with a foster family, which he helped by working in a market but they through him to the streets because he had a drinking issue. When he was kicked out of his foster home he took all his stuff and left to a cheap motel nearly, living in a motel really helped him because he started to become more responsible an decent.

     A text which I really like from the book is "the true test of a character is measured by how well a person makes decisions during difficult times". I really liked this part of the text because I think that it says something really wise and it gives you lots to thing. I think this is really smart because lots of persons break under the pressure of a situation and don't make wise decisions.  A text that confused me a lot is "All these old people come down here with prosthetic". I felt confused because I didn't understood how he could live there if everyone is old and have their prosthetic.  


I really enjoyed this part of the book because Jack tells where he is when he was writing the book and then he starts to tell the story of his life. Something really interesting about him doing that is that his life looks like it is gonna end different as how it finished. I learned that you need to think from someone else's point of view before doing stuff because your act's consequences can bother other people. I also learned that sometime you need to touch bottom to improve like Jack did. I am really excited of this book because I want to discover how he ended up in jail.